7 years of entrepreneurship, revealing the unknown secrets of the home textile industry

Hi, I’m meinir

A home textile owner who only does mid – to high-end bedding

With my seven years of entrepreneurial experience

Let’s talk about how to make money in a home textile business

Trying to make money in the home textile business

I think there are several directions worth thinking about

1. Start with the detailed classification, and narrow the distance between the product and the terminal again

Big brands can do large and complete, but can not do all their own fine classification, some categories of products or OEM processing, and these categories, if really do deep enough, professional enough to establish the trust between consumers, I believe there is a certain profit space can be mined.

2. Expand the features of the product

My understanding of characteristics, for example: can be the design characteristics, novel patterns, can also be the style characteristics, unique process, can also be to meet the needs of customers more segmented. A few days ago, I was talking to a friend, customers do physical stores, to be customized, often customers will put forward some needs for some non-standard product size or non-standard product collocation, business is also doing well, this gives me a lot of feelings. I have always believed that the home textile market has been segmented to this point, and it is likely to be saturated, and the existence of this customized demand market shows that there are still a lot of consumer demand has not been met. If you know the context of consumer demand, you will naturally find the way to make money.

3. Low cost operation

Now in the era of sharing economy, doing business can become more open, outsourcing some unnecessary links to reduce costs. For example,

A) art outsourcing for small companies

B) Outsourcing of factory e-commerce operation

C) Outsourcing of inventory pressure of small merchants

D) Even in the procurement process, services can be outsourced, etc

I think it is possible to make the business into a small project, operate the business according to the project system, put my energy to use, and cooperate with more capable people, rather than assume that some of the human cost is actually not cost-effective. In the past, people liked to make the company bigger. I think the company of the future is not necessarily the bigger the better, but the lighter the better.

4. Expand the channel of traffic acquisition

This is probably a topic of interest to all sellers. At present, e-commerce traffic acquisition is almost all operational means. The result of these means is huge investment in the early stage and haven’t earned money. These two years have seen too much early loss impulse, thinking of the future ranking up can make money with a small broad brand, to the end is a variety of patterns of death.

To be a shop, making money is the most important thing. Only by making money can we survive and have the power to stick to it. E-commerce channel flow cost is high, expanding the flow channel, perhaps is the best way out. On the contrary, these two years do network red economy to do fan economy, rely on content to obtain low cost flow, these businesses have earned money. There are brands by social, by distribution can also get a share of the pie.