what steps do you need to creat your own home textile brand

Many home textile entrepreneurs hope to have their own brand, but how to start this road, how to go, need some methods, in the process of brand is a variety of problems, according to the personal experience of more than 10 years and successful friends around the experience, I summed up some points to share with you, hoping to help you who want to establish their own home textile brand.

1. Product positioning

You need to think about the level of the product, which is high, medium and low. Of course, the positioning is also based on the market, research, such as the existence of such a market vacancy, of course, it can also be based on some unique competitive advantages, such as you have excellent designers, the most unique fabrics, or excellent brand planning and operation team. You have the competitive advantage of being a brand on your own. You have to have a good positioning in combination with the market. You have to set your product pricing strategy, VS, marketing strategy, etc.

2. In the early stage, capital is the lifeblood of an enterprise. Even if you don’t have outside investment, it’s important to get your company’s finances moving smoothly and to master the basics. Some places to start are:

List all expected costs (materials, manufacturing, supplies, equipment, advertising, marketing,Fees, etc.). Add up the cost of running a business for a year. Will the revenue you can achieve offset these costs?

3. Sunk costs

Want to be a full-time home textile brand? If so, how many years are you willing to wait before the company turns a profit and earns your own salary? Or do you just want it to be a side project? It’s great if it makes money, but you should value it more than profit. Try to gauge your level of commitment.

4. Research

Who are the current and possible future competitors? Where is the target market? How many do you think your design will sell in retail and wholesale? Ask around for feedback, talk to store owners and potential customers.

5. Legal affairs

Start by deciding on a business structure (LLC, partnership, corporation, etc.). You may want to consider hiring an attorney as a consultant or to help out whenever needed.